--Queries --1. Show all species and where they live. Select species.common_name as "Common Species Name", ex_name as "Exhibit Name" from exhibit, species, animal, an_home Where species.species_id = animal.species_id and animal.animal_id = an_home.animal_id and an_home.ex_id = exhibit.ex_id; --2. Show all exhibits and what lives in them Select exhibit.ex_name as "Exhibit Name", species.common_name as "Species Common Name" from animal, an_home, exhibit, species Where an_home.ex_id = exhibit.ex_id and animal.animal_id = an_home.animal_id and species.species_id = animal.species_id; --3. Show how many of each species do we have SELECT common_name as "Species Common Name", quantity as "Number in Species" from species; --4. Show the number of what species lives in each exhibit. Select exhibit.ex_name as "Exhibit Name", species.common_name as "Species Common Name", species.quantity as "Number in Exhibit" from animal, an_home, exhibit, species Where an_home.ex_id = exhibit.ex_id and animal.animal_id = an_home.animal_id and species.species_id = animal.species_id; --5. Make a template where all the person has to do is write the name of the animal in English or Latin Example : Where animal name = ‘Fill in your own animal name’ --6. Select each species and show what they eat and how often they eat. Select species.common_name as "Common Species Name", food_inv.food_name as "Food", feeding_sched.feed_amount as "Food Quantity", feeding_sched.time_interval as "Frequency(Times per Day)" from food_inv, species, feeding_sched, animal Where species.species_id = animal.species_id and animal.animal_id = feeding_sched.animal_id and feeding_sched.food_id = food_inv.food_id; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------